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Welcome to OHSU's Historical Collections & Archives

Historical Collections & Archives (HC&A) is the home of OHSU's collections of rare books, archives, manuscripts, and artifacts. Through this portal, you can search over 2,000 linear feet of unique archival and manuscript collections that document OHSU and its predecessor institutions, as well as the practice of health sciences in the Pacific Northwest. For more information, visit the HC&A website. Books and published items can be searched via our library catalog.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use this Site?

To search all collections, type a name or keyword into the search bar. The drop-down boxes and date fields allow you to further customize your search. Search results can be narrowed by material type, subject, or name by clicking on any of the "Additional filters" appearing to the right of your search results list.

Click on any of the tabs at the top of this page to browse holdings by collection, subjects, or names.

“Unprocessed materials” are collections that have not been fully described by our staff, but they may be available for access upon request.

Who do I contact if I have questions? How do I get access to materials?

For help with this site, or finding or accessing materials, please visit our online Help Form, email us at, or call 503-494-5587. For general information, such as our policies, events, and additional resources, please visit our website.