"Providence Hospital School of Nursing, Portland, Oregon, 1944 to 1962" DVD, produced by Pat Bacon, class of 1959, 2012
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of records of the Oregon League for Nursing and its earlier forms (Oregon State League of Nursing Education (OSLNE), Oregon League for Nursing Education (OLNE), and Oregon Citizens' League for Nursing (OCLN)). The records cover topics such as becoming a member of the National League; advocating for nursing education and greater nurse employment; raising funds and advocating for better funding for both education and employment... of nurses; producing educational programs, such as films, radio dramas, and public speaking engagements; and day-to-day governance of the organization.
The materials include by-laws, articles of incorporation, and constitutions; meeting minutes; membership lists; correspondence; committee and board annual reports; minutes of meetings with related organizations; convention programs; educational program skits; and more. A significant run (1953-1985) of the organization’s newsletter, “The Oregon Reporter,” is also included. Furthermore, the collection contains a movie documentary about the Providence Hospital School of Nursing, “Nurses of the Pacific Northwest” lapel pins, and a history of the People’s Institute and Free Dispensary.
- Creation: 2012
- From the Collection: Oregon League for Nursing (Creator, Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
There are no restrictions on access. This collection is open to the public.
From the Collection: 1.68 Linear Feet (4 document boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Oregon Health & Science University, Historical Collections & Archives Repository