Found in 229 Collections and/or Records:
46th General Hospital records
In March of 1940 the Surgeon General of the United States Army requested the reactivation of the 46th General Hospital. The unit was actived on July 15. The papers consist of memoranda, correspondance, reports, rosters and documents covering the years 1940-1942.
American Student Dental Association Chapter records
The American Student Dental Association (ASDA) was founded at the 1970 Annual Session of the American Dental Association, created to mobilize and support dental students across the country. The ASDA Chapter Records consist of three scrapbooks from the school years 2000/2001, 2001/2002, and 2002/2003, created by the OHSU chapter of the organization, including brochures, newsletters, correspondence, photographs, and promotional advertisements from dental vendors.
Robert L. and Karen Brinkman Anderson papers
Clarice Ashworth Francone medical illustration collection
Robert L. Bacon papers
Robert L. Bacon, Ph.D. was a great advocate of graduate and continuing medical education. This collection contains applications, bulletins, correspondence, and brochures showing the variety of programs available. Also included are medical illustrations, radiographs, x-rays, and research presentation materials accessioned in March of 2014.
David W. E. Baird papers
David W. E. Baird graduated from the University of Oregon Medical School in 1926. He served as Associate Dean, and then Dean of the School of Medicine from 1943 to 1968, was responsible for the administration of the Oregon Primate Center, and a member of the Portland Clinic staff. This collection consists of news articles, photographs, publications, reports, policies, and correspondence from Baird’s time as Associate Dean until his retirement.
James A. Baker collection
The James A. Baker collection is primarily concerned with the military records of James Adolph Baker, M.D. They were created and collected by Dr. Baker and donated to the University by his grand-daughter Sarah Munro.
Russel L. Baker papers
Henry D. Barker papers
The papers of Henry D. Barker, M.D. (1916-96) provide a variety of materials which emphasize two diiferent facets of his career. A vast array of technical data is available concerning his wartime service in the Army Medical Corps in Panama. The papers relating his postwar career are primarily concerned with his paricipation in the group Physicians for Social Responsibility.
James H. Beck collection on Drs. Hawthorne and Josephi
This collection consists of photocopied biographical material on Dr. James Hawthorne (1819-1881, founder of the Oregon Hospital for the Insane) and Dr. Simeon Josephi (1849-1935) collected by James H. Beck, a descendent of Hawthorne's.